SAGE Player Profile

From the Star-Atlas-Cookbook and for

TypeScript Code Explanation

This is a TypeScript code example demonstrating how to interact with the Solana blockchain using the @project-serum/anchor and @solana/web3.js libraries. The code fetches player profiles from a Solana account using the readAllFromRPC function.

  1. Importing Libraries

import { Program } from "@project-serum/anchor"; 
import { Connection, Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js";

The code imports the following libraries:

  • @project-serum/anchor: a library for building Solana applications using TypeScript.

  • @solana/web3.js: a library for interacting with the Solana blockchain.

  1. Importing Custom Functions

import { readAllFromRPC } from "@staratlas/data-source"; 
import { PLAYER_PROFILE_IDL, PlayerProfile } from "@staratlas/player-profile";

The code imports custom functions and types:

  • readAllFromRPC: a function for reading data from Solana accounts.

  • PLAYER_PROFILE_IDL and PlayerProfile: types related to player profiles.

  1. Importing Shared Functions

import { newConnection, newAnchorProvider } from "../../shared/anchor-setup"; 
import { loadKeypair } from "../../shared/wallet-setup";

The code imports shared functions:

  • newConnection and newAnchorProvider: functions for creating a Solana connection and anchor provider.

  • loadKeypair: a function for loading a Keypair from a file.

  1. Constants

const PLAYER_PROFILE_PROGRAM_ID = "pprofELXjL5Kck7Jn5hCpwAL82DpTkSYBENzahVtbc9";

The code defines a constant:

  • PLAYER_PROFILE_PROGRAM_ID: the ID of the player profile program.

  1. Main Function

const main = async (connection: Connection, myWallet: Keypair) => { // ... };

The code defines an asynchronous function called main that takes two arguments:

  • connection: a Solana connection.

  • myWallet: a Keypair representing the user's wallet.

  1. Creating Provider and Program

const provider = newAnchorProvider(connection, myWallet); 
const playerProfileProgram = new Program( PLAYER_PROFILE_IDL, PLAYER_PROFILE_PROGRAM_ID, provider, );

The code creates an anchor provider and a program:

  • provider: an instance of the newAnchorProvider function.

  • playerProfileProgram: an instance of the Program class, which is used to interact with the player profile program.

  1. Reading Player Profiles

const myProfiles = await readAllFromRPC( connection, playerProfileProgram as any, PlayerProfile, 'processed', [
memcmp: {
 offset: PlayerProfile.MIN_DATA_SIZE + 2, 
 bytes: myWallet.publicKey.toBase58(), 

The code reads all player profiles from the Solana account using the readAllFromRPC function:

  • myProfiles: an array of player profiles.

  • The memcmp object is used to filter profiles based on the user's wallet public key.

  1. Handling Player Profiles

if (myProfiles.length === 0) {
 throw 'no player profile found'; 
for (let index = 0; index < myProfiles.length; index++) { 
const thisProfile = myProfiles[index]; 
if (thisProfile.type === 'error') throw new Error('Error reading account');
console.log(JSON.stringify(thisProfile, null, 2));

The code handles the player profiles:

  • If no profiles are found, it throws an error.

  • Otherwise, it logs each profile to the console using JSON.stringify.

  1. Environment Variables

const wallet = process.env.WALLET_PATH || "/home/user/.config/solana/id.json"; 
const rpcEndpoint = process.env.RPC_ENDPOINT || ""; 
const rpcWebsocket = process.env.RPC_WEBSOCKET || "wss://";
const myWallet = loadKeypair(wallet); 
const connection = newConnection(rpcEndpoint, rpcWebsocket);

The code sets environment variables:

  • wallet: the path to the user's wallet file.

  • rpcEndpoint and rpcWebsocket: the RPC endpoint and WebSocket URL for interacting with the Solana network.

  1. Running the Main Function

main(connection, myWallet);

The code runs the main function with the created connection and wallet.

import { Program } from "@project-serum/anchor";
import { Connection, Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js";

import { readAllFromRPC } from "@staratlas/data-source";
import { PLAYER_PROFILE_IDL, PlayerProfile } from "@staratlas/player-profile";

import { newConnection, newAnchorProvider } from "../../shared/anchor-setup";
import { loadKeypair } from "../../shared/wallet-setup";

const PLAYER_PROFILE_PROGRAM_ID = "pprofELXjL5Kck7Jn5hCpwAL82DpTkSYBENzahVtbc9"

const main = async (connection: Connection, myWallet: Keypair) => {
    console.log("Example 02: Sage Player Profile");

    const provider = newAnchorProvider(connection, myWallet);
    const playerProfileProgram = new Program(

    const myProfiles = await readAllFromRPC(
        playerProfileProgram as any,
                memcmp: {
                    offset: PlayerProfile.MIN_DATA_SIZE + 2,
                    bytes: myWallet.publicKey.toBase58(),

    if (myProfiles.length === 0) {
        throw 'no player profile found';

    for (let index = 0; index < myProfiles.length; index++) {
        const thisProfile = myProfiles[index];
        if (thisProfile.type === 'error') throw new Error('Error reading account');

        console.log(JSON.stringify(thisProfile, null, 2));

// cd examples/02-sage-player-profile
// bun run index.ts
const wallet = process.env.WALLET_PATH || "/home/user/.config/solana/id.json"
const rpcEndpoint = process.env.RPC_ENDPOINT || "";
const rpcWebsocket = process.env.RPC_WEBSOCKET || "wss://";

const myWallet = loadKeypair(wallet);
const connection = newConnection(rpcEndpoint, rpcWebsocket);
main(connection, myWallet);

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