From the Star-Atlas-Cookbook and for
TypeScript Code Explanation
This is a TypeScript code example demonstrating how to interact with the Solana blockchain using the @project-serum/anchor and @solana/web3.js libraries. The code fetches player profiles from a Solana account using the readAllFromRPC function.
Importing Libraries
import { Program } from "@project-serum/anchor";
import { Connection, Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js";
The code imports the following libraries:
@project-serum/anchor: a library for building Solana applications using TypeScript.
@solana/web3.js: a library for interacting with the Solana blockchain.
Importing Custom Functions
import { readAllFromRPC } from "@staratlas/data-source";
import { PLAYER_PROFILE_IDL, PlayerProfile } from "@staratlas/player-profile";
The code imports custom functions and types:
readAllFromRPC: a function for reading data from Solana accounts.
PLAYER_PROFILE_IDL and PlayerProfile: types related to player profiles.
Importing Shared Functions
import { newConnection, newAnchorProvider } from "../../shared/anchor-setup";
import { loadKeypair } from "../../shared/wallet-setup";
The code imports shared functions:
newConnection and newAnchorProvider: functions for creating a Solana connection and anchor provider.
loadKeypair: a function for loading a Keypair from a file.