The Galactic Marketplace is a decentralized trading protocol on the Solana blockchain that provides an MMO Auction House experience as a public utility.
At a glance:
Fast and responsive data
Fully decentralized peer-to-peer trading through an MMO auction house-style experience
Easy integration with decentralized applications and protocols
As a user, here are some of the things you're able to do with the Galactic Marketplace:
Create your own buy and sell orders for any Solana token
Query, view, and cancel your existing orders
Buy from and sell into other people's orders
Technical Overview
If you're using GmClientService to fetch order data, you can expect price field of an Order to be the price in base units. Use uiPrice to retrieve a decimal-adjusted value.
What items can be traded on the Galactic Marketplace?
Any arbitrary itemMint can be transacted permissionlessly. This can be any tokenized asset including SFTs and NFTs.
What currency pairs are valid on the Galactic Marketplace?
There are a limited number of valid currencyMint options:
Token Symbol
Mainnet Address
Services and Examples
What is it?
The GmClientService is used to:
Construct Solana transactions to interact with the Galactic Marketplace
Creating orders
Canceling orders
Filling orders
Fetch metadata about registered currencies
Fetch lists of open orders for combinations of:
Specific mints
User PublicKeys
Specific currencies
See the TypeDocs for a full list of GmClientService methods
Fetch a list of supported currencies
Because the currency information is unlikely to change often this result will be cached for the lifecycle of GmClientService to reduce the total number of RPC calls made. If you wish to forcefully refetch this information pass true as an optional argument into getRegisteredCurrencies().
import { Connection, PublicKey } from'@solana/web3.js';import { GmClientService } from'@staratlas/factory';constconnection=newConnection();constprogramId=newPublicKey();constgmClientService=newGmClientService();constcurrencyInfo=awaitgmClientService.getRegisteredCurrencies( connection, programId,false,// or true to invalidate the cache);console.log(currencyInfo);
Fetch all open orders
Retrieve a list of all open orders for all currencies and items in the Galactic Marketplace.
Create an order for itemMint - use orderSide to specify the direction of the trade.
When creating a Sell order, the orderCreator must deposit their itemMint into escrow and likewise when creating a Buy order they must deposit their quoteMint into escrow.
import { Connection, PublicKey, Transaction } from'@solana/web3.js';import { GmClientService, OrderSide } from'@staratlas/factory';import MyWalletService from'../MyWalletService';constconnection=newConnection();constorderCreator=MyWalletService.publicKey;constitemMint=newPublicKey();constquoteMint=newPublicKey();constquantity=12;constuiPrice=24.187;constprogramId=newPublicKey();constorderSide=OrderSide.Sell; // The user is selling their itemMint and asking for quoteMintconstgmClientService=newGmClientService();// Note that the price should be a BN which is decimal-adjusted base token unitsconstprice=gmClientService.getBnPriceForCurrency( connection, uiPrice, quoteMint, programId,);constorderTx=awaitgmClientService.getInitializeOrderTransaction( connection, orderCreator itemMint, quoteMint, quantity, price, programId, orderSide,);consttransactionId=awaitconnection.sendTransaction( orderTx, [MyWalletService.wallet],);console.log(transactionId);
Fill an order
Note that orders can be partially filled. For example, if a player has an order to buy 10 Pearce X4s a seller can fill 4 out of those 10 while leaving the order open for other users to interact with.
getCreateExchangeTransaction() will work for both selling into a Buy order and buying from a Sell order.
Orders can be canceled as long as they are still open, whether they have been partially filled or not. If a partially filled order is canceled, the unfilled portion of the order is returned to the order creator.
Because the marketplace is fully decentralized, the methods on this service will return orders for all items being transacted on the Galactic Marketplace, even items which were not created by Star Atlas.
If you want to be sure an item was minted for Star Atlas use the Galaxy API to fetch this list.
What is it?
The GmOrderbookService is a read-only data caching layer which maintains a real-time list of all of the open orders on the Galactic Marketplace.
Class instances which implement GmOrderbookService can register event handlers when the marketplace state changes.
If you just need raw event callbacks without maintaining a snapshot of the on-chain marketplace state consider implementing GmEventService instead
import { GmEventHandler, GmChangeEvent, GmEventType, GmOrderbookService,} from'@staratlas/factory';exportclassMyServiceimplementsGmEventHandler {private gmOrderbookService:GmOrderbookService;constructor(rpcUrl:string, programId:PublicKey) {this.gmOrderbookService =newGmOrderbookService(rpcUrl, programId);// Register this class as an event handlerthis.gmOrderbookService.addOnEventHandler(this); }// onEvent will be fired any time a change occurs in the marketplace stateonEvent(event:GmChangeEvent):void {switch(event.eventType) {caseGmEventType.orderAdded:this.handleOrderAdded(event);break;caseGmEventType.orderModified:this.handleOrderModified(event);break;caseGmEventType.orderRemoved:this.handleOrderRemoved(event);break;default:break; } }privatehandleOrderAdded(event:GmChangeEvent):void {console.log(event.order); }privatehandleOrderModified(event:GmChangeEvent):void {console.log(event.order); }privatehandleOrderRemoved(event:GmChangeEvent):void {console.log(event.order); }}
What is it?
The GmEventService can be used to trigger an onEvent callback any time an order is created, modified, or canceled on the Galactic Marketplace.
The GmEventService is implemented by the GmOrderbookService and is how its internal state of the marketplace orderbooks is kept up-to-date
import { Connection, PublicKey } from'@solana/web3.js';import { GmEventService, GmEventType, Order} from'@staratlas/factory';constconnection=newConnection();constprogramId=newPublicKey();consteventHandler= ( eventType:GmEventType, order:Order, slotContext:number,) => {console.log(eventType, order, slotContext);}constgmEventService=newGmEventService( connection, programId,);// As events are emitted from the program eventHandler will be calledgmEventService.setEventHandler(eventHandler);