Unreal Engine Tooling


The F-KIT provides developers with free, state-of-the-art technology that will make it easier and faster for them to bring their Unreal Engine 5 games, products, and tools to Solana - and, by extension, to the Star Atlas metaverse. F-KIT offers the following:

  • Allows the in-engine generation and import of Solana private keys and wallets.

  • Permits Unreal Engine 5 to interact with on-chain data (reading on-chain data from the game and allowing the game interface to perform on-chain transactions: sNFTs, xNFTs, and tokens).

  • Creates an Unreal Engine 5 wallet management feature that allows users to see and interact with all of their SPL tokens and NFTs.

  • Embeds development support, including visual coding blueprints for user interfaces and user experience.

  • Integrates with any Solana program.

Here is the link to the F-Kit repository: https://github.com/staratlasmeta/FoundationKit

Last updated